Helping Hands Lite
This is a quick & easy way to identify tools that can help. No need for polished proposals, we’d simply like to hear your ideas!
NOTE: The School District is providing all types of personal protective equipment (PPE) for when students return to in-person learning at the schools. Any requests for PPE should be submitted by the staff member directly to the building Principals as the Educational Foundation will not be honoring any Helping Hand Lite grants consisting of protective equipment or supplies.
Suggestion box will be open
October 2 - October 12. Once the form is closed, Trustees will review your ideas and collaborate with the District to implement those that are chosen for funding.
The teaching & learning landscape has changed and we want to learn how together we can pivot to continue to encourage, inspire and enrich the students of 220. As this unusual school year is now on its way, Barrington 220 Educational Foundation trustees would like to know how we can assist you as you educate our community’s children in our distance/hybrid learning environment.
Take a minute and share your ideas.
What are the tools that will serve you in providing students with the highest quality learning experience?
Do you have ideas that you can use now during remote learning and carry with you as you and your students transition back into the physical classroom?
Are there digital applications or physical products that would provide you with support as you address the challenges that have arisen for your students due to the pandemic?
Think creatively
& broadly
Can your idea be used across schools?
Can it apply in the longer term? Can it grow and be developed?
You may choose to remain anonymous or you may include your name and contact information. By providing your name, you will give us the chance to reach out to you for further information if we need it.
Mary Dale, Executive Director